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The secret to successful open innovation initiatives


A new study by Linus Dahlander, associate professor and KPMG Chair in Innovation at ESMT, co-authored with Henning Piezunka, a PhD candidate at Stanford University, finds that organizations that…

The vicious circle of customer loyalty


In a study published in the Journal of Marketing, my co-authors and I analyzed data from over 7,500 consultations with customers in the retail sector, including car dealerships, furniture outlets,…

The world can be local


A common theme in literature on organizational learning is the importance of learning from sources outside an organization’s boundaries. Unfortunately, organizations tend to collect external…

Don’t say "sorry": Proactively build your customers’ resistance against service failure


Maintaining customer satisfaction is a difficult endeavor that presents at least two obstacles: First, since variations in service performance levels are hard to avoid, service failures are common…

What would a 'Brexit' mean for Europe?


Europe faces one of its most challenging situations in decades and stands at the crossroads. A Brexit could trigger similar movements in other EU countries, in the Netherlands for instance, and…

Innovation challenge: Why companies kill great projects and how to avoid this happening


“It’s not fair.” All parents have heard this statement from their children, and all developers have said it more than once. In the race for R&D budgets within companies, project leaders whose…

A proposal for GH7/G20 policy coordination to strengthen global productivity and output growth


The progressive integration of the global economy over the past 70 years has achieved massive increases in output and per capita income and has brought millions of people out of poverty. But now…

At ESMT Berlin, Bitcoin pays off


ESMT students have been welcome to pay their tuition with bitcoin since December 2016, when ESMT became the first German university to accept bitcoin as payment. In the interview, Garlichs explains…

Agility is (l)earned


Joseph Schumpeter coined this catchphrase to characterize market-based economies more than 100 years ago, but the acceleration of today’s product cycles and social practices, in particular in the…

A study shows how to find new ideas inside and outside the company


Companies know this. That’s why many seek to tap the potential of “open innovation” by encouraging their employees to scout for new ideas among external partners, such as universities, research…