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“Solid Growth”: Scientists at ESMT Berlin publish booklets on industrial companies of the future


Olaf Plötner, ESMT Professor of Strategic Management in Global B2B Markets, Bianca Schmitz, ESMT Program Director and founding member of the Hidden Champions Institute, and Johannes Habel, Professor…

Ola Källenius succeeds Dieter Zetsche as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ESMT Foundation


The period in which Dieter Zetsche chaired the board of trustees was one of impressive recognition and growth. During his tenure, the international business school received the “Triple Crown” from…

ESMT Berlin welcomes new faculty member


Before coming to ESMT on November 1, she received her PhD in strategy and organizational ambidexterity from Warwick Business School. In her research, she examined how organizations deal with the…

The maverick is a mainstream success story


Whether in popular media, business, or politics, the term conjures up the idea of a leader whose very success is in their fearless convictions and their readiness to go it alone – convention and…

New study by ESMT Berlin shows political commitment increasingly important for CEOs and managing directors


These are the findings of a recent study conducted by ESMT Master’s in Management graduate Christoph Cewe in cooperation with United Europe e.V. The study surveyed 40 leaders of large European…

EQUAL4EUROPE kick-off: ESMT Berlin participates in project launch to promote gender equality at academic institutions


Led by Esade, the project aims to identify and develop gender equality plans for European research and higher education institutions to apply in their management strategies and diversity plans. To…

ESMT Berlin strengthens faculty


An industrial and behavioral economist, David completed his postdoctoral research at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. He received his PhD and MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick…

In the long run, we are all leading remotely


It feels like a distant memory that Marissa Mayer, the then president and CEO of Yahoo, banned remote working there in 2013, or that we were having heated public debates on “shirking from home.” The…

The global banking industry – downfalls and learnings


Focusing on a variety of topics, such as Brexit, digitalization, and climate change as well as their effect on the global banking industry, Dombret analyzes the reasons for and effects of the…

ESMT Berlin: campus open for in-class teaching


ESMT President Jörg Rocholl comments, “We are very delighted that we can resume classroom teaching on campus. Not only can students from around the globe receive a visa, but they can also take part…