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Advancing European Cyber Resilience and Defence

Faculty & Research

Strengthening cyber resilience in Europe requires both a concerted European effort to defend its critical assets and a well-coordinated international response strategy. Pan-European cyber resilience…

DFG International Collaboration Workshop

Faculty & Research

ESMT Berlin will host this 1.5 day workshop on February 15-16, 2024. Participation is by invitation only.

Full-time MBA scholarships


ESMT’s MBA scholarships have been designed to help you make your international business career a reality. With more than 32 scholarships on offer, outstanding MBA applicants are welcome at ESMT…

Will AI revolutionize behavioral change in executive education?


AI, carefully designed and aligned with human interaction, can modify long-standing leadership habits and ensure that the acquired skills are effectively applied in real-world contexts.   The AI…

Timeline & courses


On this page you can learn more about the details of the executive MBA curriculum and program structure. Advance your career to the next level with the executive MBA from ESMT Berlin and build upon…