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When to downplay the severity of COVID-19 – ESMT Berlin study investigates how governments inform the public about a pandemic


The more unequal the disease’s economic impact, the less the government may exaggerate the severity. The study shows that governments are more likely to downplay the severity of COVID-19 if they…

ESMT Berlin installs state-of-the-art technology for hybrid and online teaching


After the pandemic, ESMT will continue to offer remote classroom experiences. The Berlin Senate Chancellery – Higher Education and Research has supported the digital expansion financially. ESMT has…

ESMT Berlin installiert neueste Technologie für Hybrid- und Online-Lehre


Auch nach der Pandemie wird das Remote-Angebot an der ESMT ein wesentlicher Bestandteil sein. Finanziell unterstützt wird der digitale Ausbau von der Berliner Senatskanzlei – Wissenschaft und…