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Europe must be less defensive about Chinese investment


Is Germany just a department store with a clearance sale for China? Leifeld, 50Hertz, Grammer — hardly a week goes by without a German company being targeted for Chinese takeover. While mergers and…

Business advantage lies in creativity


The road to manufacturing headed east many years ago, but the question now is: will service solutions head in that same direction? Back in 1999, six of the top international truck manufacturers were…

Can Germany's Mittelstand solve China’s economic challenge?


One of China’s premier manufacturers of steel had finally succeeded—after five long years—to domestically produce the kind of high-grade steel that it has been importing for ballpoint pens from…

The dark side of coaching


Having introduced coaching as a crucial element in most of my executive education programs more than a decade ago, I witnessed thousands of people benefiting from deep conversations involving…

The vicious circle of customer loyalty


In a study published in the Journal of Marketing, my co-authors and I analyzed data from over 7,500 consultations with customers in the retail sector, including car dealerships, furniture outlets,…

Women access treatment for symptomatic diseases later than men in developing countries


A major consequence of gender-based health inequalities in the developing world is excess female mortality, as captured by low ratios of females to males, notably in India and China. In India, unlike…

When do customers get what they expect?


The underlying rationale is intuitive: Because customers are more satisfied when their expectations are exceeded, lowering expectations may be a shortcut to improving customer satisfaction. However,…

Enabling European innovation and competitiveness with the digital euro


His assertion is particularly pertinent to the digital euro, a central bank digital currency. Thus far, the public conversation has narrowly focused on “digital cash” function for consumers – thanks…

Good Cybersecurity Governance in the European Union – Best Practices based on NIS2 and the Cyber Resilience Act

Faculty & Research

The governance of cyberspace is a challenging task that requires close coordination between governments, private companies and critical infrastructure providers, as well as civil society and…

Securing the 2024 Elections: Cyber Risks and Protective Measures

Faculty & Research

With the advent of the digital age, traditional methods of campaigning are no longer sufficient, and the evolution of the information space has brought new challenges and vulnerabilities to the…